Welcome to Cognitive Hypnotherapy

If you are struggling with a problem in your life and you are interested in hypnotherapy, I am glad you have found me. You may have had this problem for some time, tried different approaches that haven’t worked and now you are ready to change.

You want to feel confident in the person you choose to help you.  Most of my clients come to me through referrals from previous satisfied clients or from other therapists.


My name is Lynne Wilkins and I can work with you to make long lasting and effective changes to your life. You may be surprised how quickly you can start to feel better as you let go of the thoughts and habits that have been holding you back from being your real self.

Using cognitive hypnotherapy I can help you get back in control of your life by helping you to identify and change the less helpful messages from your unconscious mind that stop you from having the life you deserve.

You can book an appointment with me for cognitive hypnotherapy at my therapy room near Royston, or in Stevenage.

Contact me today for an informal and confidential chat about how we can work together.

A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step” (Lao Tsu)

Let’s take that first step together.


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